The Tribune Office

The Tribune Office
...hard at work as always

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Sub-editors have a sense of humour too - who knew?

As well as being pedantic, greying, generally bespectacled and with an air of self-importance, sub-editors also have a great line in bad jokes.

A certain silver-haired gentleman on the subbing team spends most of his time in a little world of his own, emerging only to relay the latest joke from the book he was given as his secret Santa present.

Here's the most recent:

A mother and baby camel are talking one day when the baby camel asks, "Mum, why have I got these huge three-toed feet?"

The mother replies, "Well, son, when we trek across the desert, your toes will help you to stay on top of the soft sand."

"OK," said the son. A few minutes later the son asks, "Mum, why have I got these great long eyelashes?"

"They are there to keep the sand out of your eyes on the trips through the desert."

"Thanks, Mum," replies the son. After a short while, the son returns and asks, "Mum, why have I got these great big humps on my back?"

The mother, now a little impatient with the boy, replies, "They are there to help us store fat for our long treks across the desert, so we can go without water for long periods."

"That's great, Mum. So we have huge feet to stop us sinking, and long eyelashes to keep the sand from our eyes, and these humps to store water, but Mum..."

"Yes, son?"

"Why are we in Twycross Zoo?"

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